Tuesday 2 December 2008

Worried about an email with virus attachment ?

All of us nowadays are getting more and more dependent on internet for various reasons, be it study, fun, knowledge, time pass or business and everyday we are getting loads of emails also from various sources.


Some of those emails are very very dangerous in terms of containing viruses, worms, Trojans and so on. That's why we should always have a good antivirus software running on our computer otherwise we might loose valuable information from our system. My previous post on Safe Internet Browsing was one such step to keep us safe from such harmful entities.


Recently I came across another such site which helps us just when you received an email and you think that it might contain virus. Will you open it thinking that your antivirus will catch it before it does any harm to you ? not always that helps as most of us does not have a good updated antivirus.


Therefore whenever you get such email what you can do is forward the mail to scan@virustotal.com to confirm whether that email is containing any virus or not. 


You can find more details on virustotal on http://www.virustotal.com/


Just to have more on how to prevent email worms and viruses visit http://antivirus.about.com/od/securitytips/a/emailsafety.htm



Hope this post was useful to you. Do post your comments.